Tuesday 30 October 2012

Uncle Bunkle Jingle Shop - They Talk So Loud

Ingmar Bergman's Through a Glass Darkly was released in 1961, and remains to this day a bold document depicting a young woman's descent into schizophrenia. The film ends with a conversation between the woman's father and her brother Minus, and a part of it goes something like this:

Minus:      I’m scared Papa. When I sat holding Karen in the old wreck, reality burst open.  Do you understand what I mean?

Father:    Yes, I understand

Minus:    Reality burst open and I tumbled out. It’s like a dream. Anything can happen
Papa, anything.

Father:   I know

Minus:    I can’t live in this new world Papa

The notion of 'reality bursting open' isn't a new one, and has been captured in an interesting manner by Karachi's 'Uncle Bunkle Jingle Shop' in this tune. A Thom Yorke-esue angst ridden plea in an increasingly dissociative, alienating milieu. That's exactly what I hear whenever I listen to this tune. Maybe, i'm just over-analyzing things. The guitars emphasize one motif repeatedly, until it becomes hypnotic. The crescendo at the 3.14 mark is achieved with the help of the aforementioned haunting vocals coupled with a sample depicting young, oblivious children frolicking about in an undefined space. Reality might burst open at any given point, and catch them unawares.

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